Archives: Services


Get all your jobs in one place. Attach files and notes. Share them online with other administrators, dispatchers, and stewards. Keep focused on what needs to be dispatched next. Find information fast and get off the phone faster.


Detail call sheets, and find the most skilled and most available employees fast. Users can also log-in, so information is relevant, allowing you to do your job with more efficiency.


Gather confirmations online. Call Steward notifies your users of new work via email, text, and on our app. Confirmations come fast because members participate and know when every job is published. Dispatch is done and the sign-in sheet is printed.


We customize your existing payroll into your own template that is backed up and access logged. Dispatch data is pushed from Call Steward to the template. With the report filled out, make your edits and share it to a payroll agent.